My, my it’s the start of 2024 and this playlist is finally available for public viewing. I say that as though there …
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GIFT HORSES There’s an idiom that baffles me: “Don’t go looking a gift horse in the mouth.” If you knew nothing about …
A CASUAL INTERROGATION SCENE My favorite social anxiety is when someone asks how something has been going in my life “You’re taking …
A DAY FOR MOST FATHERS I’m not a father, but I try to imagine what Father’s Day feels like each year. Most …
A WEEK OF COMMANDMENTS The title above is misleading because I haven’t any commandments to share with you. Instead, the past week …
HAIR ENTANGLEMENT THEORY A little side observation before getting to the guts of this Weekly Post-Ed: There are a lot of English idioms …
REST IN PEACE, ORIGINAL WEEKLY POST-ED #55 Here lies a Weekly Post-Ed that died too young. It was full of great ideas …
THANKS FOR JOINING US “Robert! So good of you to join us,” she said. Or he said. Really, anyone who had a …
THE MOST VALUABLE SKILL A text message came early on in the week. A friend asked: “Which are the most valuable skills to …
TEN THINGS This week’s entry marks an entire year’s worth of Weekly Post-Eds. It’s quite the milestone. To commemorate the 52nd entry, …